Amomyrtus luma (Luma)
Amomyrtus luma (Luma)
Amomyrtus luma, known as Luma, is a species of tree in the family Myrtaceae. It is native to Chile and Argentina. It grows from Colchagua to Aysen (34 to 45°S). This species occurs in rainforests, near streams, and in other moist sites.
Luma is an evergreen tree that measures up to 25m tall (about 5m tall when planted in pots or small spaces in New Zealand) and up to 50cm in diameter, with smooth bark, decorticant, reddish to brown. The leaves are opposite, in an oval to oblong shape, with an acute apex that ends in a pointed end up to 1mm long. The fruit is a black to purplish-black berry when mature, 1-1.5cm in diameter, generally with 3 seeds, about 3-4.5mm. The fruits, which are called cauchaos, are edible and used to make marmalade. The wood is extremely hard and resistant and is used as firewood. This tree is cultivated in Spain, rare in New Zealand.