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Impatiens niamniamensis (Congo Cockatoo)

Impatiens niamniamensis (Congo Cockatoo)


Regular price $49.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 NZD
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Impatiens niamniamensis grows about 60–90cm tall. This evergreen, perennial species has an erect, succulent, brown stem resembling wood. Leaves are simple, ovate-oblong or elliptical, spirally arranged, about 10cm long.

This plant produces bright and colourful bird-shaped flowers (hence the common names Congo Cockatoo and Parrot Plant) with a long, curled nectar spur. These unusual flowers vary in colour and size, but those of the clone most common in cultivation in Europe and America ('African Princess') are usually scarlet red and yellow and can reach a length of about 3.5cm. Fruits are explosive capsules of about 14–16mm long.

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