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Jasminum multipartitum 'Southern Stars'

Jasminum multipartitum 'Southern Stars'


Regular price $25.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 NZD
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This species has a wide distribution in South Africa, occurring from Eastern Cape, throughout the warmer, drier parts of KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland and in the bushveld areas of the northern provinces, in northern Mpumalanga and Gauteng. It may be found growing naturally on rocky slopes, in woodland and in bushy scrub.

The selection JasminumΒ 'Southern Stars' is a rambling plant with bright green shiny leaves that form an attractive background to the star-shaped fragrant flowers. The flowers are quite large for a Jasmine and are coated white with a pink blush. During the day these flowers have an strong delicate perfume that becomes noticeably stronger in the evening.

The plant can be trained as s shrub, hedge or grown in containers or garden beds. It can be easily trained to shape by removing odd stray shoots. Thrives in areas of full to partial sun, with well draining soils. This evergreen charmer will withstand some frost but in colder areas will require a protected corner. Once established it is fairly drought tolerant. Grown in sunny and semi-shaded garden beds it will grow well in most soils conditions. A dressing of complete fertiliser in early spring and again in late summer would be beneficial. If not pruned, can grow to a height and width of 1.5m.


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